The Benefits of Wearing A Wetsuit

 Everyone knows they keep you warm, but the benefits of wearing a wetsuit go far beyond temperature. When you think of wetsuits, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the need to stay warm while swimming in cold water. After all, that's why they were invented. The average wetsuit is designed to keep you warm while submerged in water that can range from 50 to 70 degrees, depending on the style and thickness. But in reality, wetsuits have many other benefits that are easily overlooked.

Benefits of Wearing a Wetsuit for Inner Peace

One of the benefits of wetsuits is that they can actually relieve stress and help you perform better. Knowing that your body will remain at a very comfortable temperature allows you to focus more on your actual performance rather than how you feel during that performance. Emphasizing physical comfort and temperature can make it harder to feel excited about the activity you are about to perform. Wetsuits can solve this problem, especially if you find the perfect wetsuit for you.

In addition, by understanding all the other benefits of a wetsuit besides keeping you warm, you will feel safer every time you jump into the water. This is why you see people swimming in wetsuits when the water is not yet cold. So, what are the benefits of these wetsuits?


A huge benefit of wearing a wetsuit is that it makes it easier for you to float. The natural buoyancy of neoprene allows you to sit higher in the water than you would without a wetsuit. This means less drag and easier swimming. This applies mostly to triathletes looking for any competitive edge to save time. This is why you often see swimmers wearing wetsuits in warm water. Their wetsuit helps athletes save extra energy during the swim portion of the race that they can expel during the rest of the race.


Another benefit of wetsuits comes from the outer coating or "skin" that is used to cover the outside of the wetsuit. They are used to repel water, which means you can actually swim faster and glide through the water more easily. The outer coating is called "Super Composite Skin" or SCS, and this technological advancement really extends the limits of the capabilities of today's wetsuits. Some scientists say that SCS on wetsuits can reduce drag in the water by about 15 percent. Some professional swimmers also claim that the right wetsuit can reduce time by 5% to 10%, depending on the distance swum. *Please note that this type of skin is only found in triathlon or open water swimming specific wetsuits, not general water sports wetsuits.


Knowing that you have the extra buoyancy and speed to help is one of the great benefits of a wetsuit. But now, these benefits offer you the added benefit of confidence. Having a great fitting wetsuit that keeps you warm and helps you swim easier and faster can help you push yourself as an athlete and possibly do some swimming outside of your comfort zone. These are the things that athletes need to get better at, and if a wetsuit can provide that, then I recommend taking full advantage of it.


A wetsuit works by holding a thin layer of water tightly between your skin and the wetsuit. Your body heat heats the water to 98 degrees and then it keeps you warm. The tighter the suit, the warmer it is. But another benefit of a wetsuit is that when it's very tight, it automatically compresses your muscles and joints, which also allows you to perform better and last longer. A wetsuit feels like running with compression sleeves over your knees. With a wetsuit on, your entire body will feel tighter and ready to perform. The benefits of this wetsuit will also help you work harder as a swimmer or surfer, which will ultimately allow you to perform better in this sport.

The source is from here.



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